Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Should I Allow a Beauty School Student Do My Hair??? Why Not????

Have you ever gone to get a trim and came back with a shorter-than-you-wanted haircut?
Ever go to a Salon looking to be blonde and leave a red-head?
How about when you have one hour to squeeze in a Salon visit, but it takes the Stylist 2 hours to cover your greys!?!
I can pretty much guarantee that if one of these scenarios hasn't happened to you, it's happened to someone you know!!! You go to a licensed professional and you expect quality work and service. Sometimes you're an unlucky one and you spend far too much time and money on something that doesn't make you feel like a million dollars. It happens to the best of us!
In the current economic rut most of us are experiencing, consumers are choosing wisely! Clients who have been regularly visiting the salon every 6-8 weeks are stretching their visits to every 12 weeks. Hilight clients are looking for longer lasting shades and tines so that they can visit the salon less often. Gentlemen are opting for longer locks because shorter hair requires more maintenance. Bottom line is that we still want to look AMAZING, we just have less funds to make that happen!
Your local Beauty School is an alternative! You have the choice to take your business where ever you choose. The best decisions we make are based on the amount of knowledge we have. As an Industry insider I am happy to share the pro's and con's of choosing a Beauty School to provide for your hair, skin and nail needs!
"They're probably only open while I'm at work. I can't call off of work to get my hair done!"
Call and find out! Look through your local yellow pages or search online. Reality is there is an abundance of adult learners studying Cosmetology after they leave their full time day jobs. Many Beauty Schools offer evening classes with open Salon hours. Some open the doors on the weekends too! You don't know if you don't call!
"I'm really picky about my hair! I need to have a stylist with experience! A student would have a really hard time giving me what I want"
Truth is that every professional hair stylist was a student at one time and only developed their skill by practicing - ON PEOPLE!!!! Even more true is that we remain students long after we finish school! Stylists continue to learn new skills and techniques every day! In addition to that, anyone who is attracted to the field of Cosmetology already has the uncontrollable desire to please! So those students are quite possible just as picky as you may be!
It's a competitive field and the students know this and work very hard to be the very best, so that they can land a successful Salon Job after graduation!
Another point to be made is that State Laws require that students' complete a large amount of hours of training before they are able to work on the public. The State also requires that all work done by students is under the supervision and guidance of a Licensed Educator. This is where you can be sure of the quality! Educators are experienced and many of them continue to work behind the chair as well as in the classroom. These Educators are responsible for positive outcomes for both the Student and the Guest. They make sure every guest leaves happy and with the intention to return!
"I don't have money to waste! I'm afraid that if I spend what I have to get my hair done, and then I don't like it, it'll cost more to have it fixed!"
This is a valid concern! We work hard to make money and it's smart to spend it wisely!
Beauty Schools are full of amazing fresh new talent! I was witness to the intensity of this when I attended a Future Professional Expo that showcased the work of 1,000's of students from across the U.S. and I was blown away!! The students work hard and their work is nothing short of AMAZING! A plus to those is that Beauty Schools only charge for the cost of materials. You can get a quality color, cut and finish for as low as $20. Spa Manicures and pedicures for as little as $6, even perms and relaxers for less that $25! And satisfaction is guaranteed!!!
The educators make sure that you receive quality service and will work hard to accommodate your requests and offer a professional point of view! If for any reason you are unhappy, the staff is able to assist!
"I have very little time to spare! I need to get in and get out! I want a stylist who knows exactly what to do every time without having to explain it! I doubt a student can do that!"
Oh, contrare! Here's the trick! When a stylist (or student-stylist) takes the time to perfect every detail and consults thoroughly to find out exactly what you want and definitely do not want, on your very 1st visit, the mental notes they take are with them permanently!
An initial visit should ALWAYS take a little bit longer than the following visits! That's a good thing! And if that stylist gets it just right, no matter how long it takes, isn't that a good thing?
On your first visit to a Beauty School Salon, let the receptionist know that you don't have much time to spare. This information will assist the educator in choosing an appropriate Future Pro for you! On the other hand, it may turn out that the educator feels like your request can't be accommodate at that time, and may suggest another day that might better fit your schedule. Ultimately communication is KEY! Communicate with the educators and student stylists in the same way you would communicate with a manager or professional at any other salon!
Another tip is to get a Consultation. They are almost always free, and they give you and the stylist a very clear understanding of what will take place during the service, whether it's a haircut or a corrective color! Knowing in advance what you will have done, what it will cost, and how much time it will take will help you to fit it in on a day that will work best for everyone!

At the end of the day, only you can choose what will work best for you. I highly recommend asking for referrals. Talk to friends and family, find out about a school and its reputation. Perhaps a good friend knows someone who is currently enrolled in the Cosmetology ! And if you do visit a school and are impressed with the service you received, spread the word! Share that info with others! You have the opportunity to receive quality services at ridiculously low prices, but at the same time to give a Future Professional the opportunity to increase their self-esteem and help them to reach their goals! Even more likely, you Will discover a highly talents artist and develop a long lasting professional relationship with them. Perhaps you'll even be inspired to change careers and enroll in a Cosmetology program yourself!
The why's and why not's of choosing a beauty school for your hair care needs mirror those of choosing a professional salon. For more information about policies and procedures, availability and cost, contact your local beauty school, in and take a look around. Give yourself the chance to discover an amazing alternative!