Thursday, October 20, 2011

California Dreamin

October started off well! I was honored to be chosen to represent our School Campus at a Cinderella Hair training seminar. I was sent off to Philadelphia to attend a 2 day training course on the theory and practical application for the Classic Organic Bonded hair extensions. The main purpose was to learn how to teach other educators how to teach the theory and practical applications for the Cinderella Hair Bond Extensions, which our students will be learning, hands-on come 2012. This is super exciting on so many levels! I found it inspiring to be trained by Irv Krauledis, the Director of Education for Cinderella Hair. His insight and experience proved to be both entertaining and extremely valuable. I considered myself a very lucky girl to be receiving the training that is soon to transform our students' education on the Art of Extensions! I can not wait to share all that info with them, they are gonna yummmm it all up!!!
At the end of that week I had the absolute best time sharing what I learned with the educators and staff at our home campus! I am so blessed to have the job I have. I have the best of both worlds, I create and do and practice what I preach and then I share all of that with the future of my industry. That's good stuff. So Cinderella Hair came and went and Irv shared some great info about hair and extensions and California. And after all that I thought, California might be a great place to retire. Somethin to think about.
Shortly after that training I visited the Fashion Focus Hair show in Hershey - the sweetest place on earth. And although that show is significantly smaller than my favorite, IBS-New York, the education is phenomenal and the networking is a more intimate and familiar scene. I saw many faces I knew personally and was especially excited and ridiculously proud of one of our former students debut stage performance for RUSK. I was really glad I was able to witness that! Moments like those remind me where I started, how far I've come and how I have been able to give back. After the sentimental moments were shared I moved on to the grit and had my very 1st Brazilian Waxing training class and I have to say that there is a time and place for each individual to recognize a certain level of professionalism that has been met and is definitely required to be able to focus on the educational aspects of a Brazilian Waxing service. I learned much more than I could ever imagine in that 2 and a half hour class. And saw more than I thought was necessary, but hey - education is education!!! I learned that taking an antacid 15-20 mins before any wax service will reduce redness. I thought that was a really valuable tip.
Additionally, I learned some new haircut trends and techniques, color product knowledge and placement options, styling techniques and new ideas for artistic interpretations. I also snatched up a bunch of useful tools and products for the studio. On the flip side of all that good happenings, some not so good was happening too. My Grandfather, who had been slowly declining in health over the years recently took a dive and had been admitted to the hospital and the prognosis did not look good. A few long and tiring days later he passed on. It was sad and still is. I was sad and I still am. And all the education and the prestigious classes and unique experiences and monumental successes and inspiring moments I have in my hair world are pale in comparison to the lessons and experiences and moments I had with my Papa. He taught me sooo much that everything I do, everything I think, the passion I have for the work that I do, all of it. It came from him. The lessons I learned from him I attempt to share with others every day, but somehow I know I fall short. I learned to accept others for who they are. To look deeper than the surface. I learned to be considerate of others feelings and perspectives, to put the shoe on the other foot and treat others as I want to be treated. I learned to persevere and work hard and not give up even when I truly, madly, deeply want to. He showed me that respect and honesty go hand in hand and that I don't have enough time to make all the mistakes I'll need to learn from, so it's important that I learn from the mistakes of others, too. He taught me that every single person no matter who they are, where the came from, what they know, or who they know deserves the right to get a chance to do better for themselves. And that if I can help them with that, I have to! He taught me that love is the most important thing in our world. And that the love 2 people share is more powerful than any army or government or currency. It does result in a better life, a better industry, a better society. And our love is meant to be shared.

The very first time, I placed my foot on California pavement was over 20 years ago. It was a hot July afternoon and I was with my Grandfather. If I could have that moment back 1 more time, I would take a picture of us to keep forever. That moment represents a journey with him I didn't even know I was on.

Now as October comes to an end, my days are filled with small challenges and huge successes. The love I have for all I do grows stronger with each passing moment.
And as the seasons change, all the leaves turn brown, and the skies gray ... I know I'd be safe and warm if I was in L.A. .... I'm California Dreamin... maybe someday.

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