Spring is right around the corner! The sun is shining just a bit longer every day and its shine is inspiring a natural change! The trees are beginning to form buds. Strong flower stems are peeking through the ground. Nature is ready to add some color and life to its wardrobe. That’s your cue to brighten up yours as well! I know you’re ready to se la vie to the winter weather, unravel the scarves, box up the boots, and break out the bright colors that scream spring! Let the Goldwell Color Zoom 2012 Collection inspire your style upgrade! Take a look at what’s in store for the season!

Color is the easiest and most natural choice for a style upgrade, especially if you want a change that can be changed again! Talk to your stylist about the best options for your budget! Being fashionable doesn’t have to break the bank! Simple, subtle changes to your hair color can make your wardrobe staples look brand new! Be inspired by the 2012 Color Zoom Collection and spring into a new hairstyle!
Happy Hair Days! ~ Celina