Friday, November 2, 2012

Seasons Change

To everything turn, turn, turn. There is a season.

It's funny how, when you take the time to pay attention, you realize that the forces that be are working on your behalf, and the truth is, you have very little control over what each day will bring.
I've seen myself, (more than once) set out on a path - not because I wanted to, but because in order to do what it was that I wanted to do, I first had to do something else. That path (those paths) led me in the right direction, but in every occurrence, slightly veered into another direction. One that I definitely needed to go in, that I wasn't even aware of. These detours are meant to be. The are unplanned opportunities for growth. They are necessary lessons you must learn to be better prepared to reach your ultimate goal. And they are placed in your plan without you knowing or expecting. When your ultimate goal is finally within reach (after a longer path than you had anticipated) you approach it with the required wisdom to succeed.
And there it is. Success. At your feet. The secret is really no secret at all. It requires no more than the awareness that is consciousness. See the doors open. Step through to the other side. Open your mind. Open your eyes. Look to the positivity of each experience. Do not dwell on the failures, but celebrate each success. For failures are not failures at all, but signs to move toward a more prosperous road.
As seasons change, so does our purposes in life. And yes, there's more than one great thing we are meant to achieve in our lives. There are many moments. Insignificant to some, significant to another.
But each moment is there for us to take what we need and go forward. A gift. Treat it as such. And roll with it.

The seasons are changing. Everything I needed to do to prepare me for this very moment has been done, or this moment could not be. The clarity of tomorrow fills me with excitement and I know I'm ready for it!

Seasons change. People change.

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